Legacy R.E.A.C.H.
Legacy R.E.A.C.H.
R.E.A.C.H. (Reaching Educational Achievement through Choices and Habits) is an alternative/non-traditional self-contained direct instruction educational program for 7th and 8th grade students. Although the organizational structure of Legacy REACH allows for a degree of flexibility not often found in traditional school settings, the instructional environment is more restrictive that its traditional counterparts. The Legacy REACH program is limited to 18 students at any one time; a waiting list is compiled if needed.
Admission to Legacy R.E.A.C.H.
Legacy REACH has no residential-based attendance areas within the Kennewick School District. Enrollment is not determined by the neighborhood in which a student resides; the program serves the students of the entire District. Students may apply for enrollment in the Legacy REACH program through either parent/student application or by administrative referral. All applicants are evaluated for appropriateness in an alternative educational setting. Not all of the academic requirements of students with certain instructional needs can be met in this setting.
Expectations of Students Enrolled in R.E.A.C.H.
- Legacy REACH is a self-contained educational program. Except for Computer Education, students are with the same teacher throughout the day. Almost educational activities take place within the REACH classroom. Lunches are eaten in the REACH classroom. Students must either purchase school lunch or bring their own lunch with them to school.
- Each student and his/her personal possessions will be searched when first coming onto campus. Electronic devices, such as Smart phones, cell phones, I-pods, MP3 players, and other similar devices will be collected and held until the end of the student’s school day.
- All gang-related behaviors are prohibited while on the Legacy High School campus or in its immediate vicinity. Each student will sign, as a condition of enrollment in Legacy High School, and comply with the provisions of the LHS Gang Prevention Agreement.
- Each student must comply with the student dress provisions identified in Kennewick School District Regulation 3224. Clothing must be conducive to learning, orderliness, safety, and must not disrupt the educational environment. Clothing should be appropriate for an employment setting. Modesty, good taste, and the proper educational atmosphere are the focus. Clothing must not allow indecent exposure and may not contain vulgarities, sexual connotations, or drug, alcohol, tobacco, or gang references as specified in KSD Regulation 3224.
- It is the intent of the Kennewick School District to provide safe, productive, and positive learning environments for students. To that end, each student must comply with the rules of conduct identified in Kennewick School District Policy 3240. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the classroom, in other areas of the school campus, nor at related school activities. Violations may result in corrective action or punishment imposed by authorized employees of the District.
- In order to ensure respect and prevent harm, it is a violation of District policy for a student to be harassed, intimidated, or bullied (including cyber bullying) by others in the school community, at school sponsored events, or when such actions create a substantial disruption to the educational process. Accordingly, each student will comply with the provisions of Kennewick School District Policy 3207.