Legacy Classroom
Admission Application Process
Legacy Classroom has no residential-based attendance areas within the Kennewick School District. Enrollment is not determined by the neighborhood in which a student resides and instead the program serves the students throughout the district. Student application for enrollment in the Legacy Classroom program may be made through direct parent/student application or by administrative referral. All applicants are evaluated for appropriateness in an alternative educational setting.
Not all of the academic requirements of students with certain instructional needs can be met in this setting.
Expectations of Students Enrolled in Legacy Classroom
- Legacy Classroom maintains a closed campus. Once a student enters the campus, he/she may not leave until the end of the school day, unless the student is leaving to attend another educational program (such as Tri-Tech) or has been checked out of school by his/her parents/guardians. Students must either purchase school lunch or bring their own lunch with them to school.
- In the interest of student and staff safety, each student and his/her personal possessions may be subject to search any time the student is on campus.
- Students may maintain conditional possession of their electronic devices (Smart phones, cell phones, I-pods, MP3 players, and other similar devices) while on campus. However, electronic devices may not be used during class time without teacher/staff permission. Students who violate the electronic use policy will have their devices temporarily confiscated and may lose the privilege of bringing electronic devices onto campus.
- All gang-related behaviors are prohibited while on the Legacy High School campus or in its immediate vicinity. Each student will sign, as a condition of enrollment in Legacy High School, and comply with the provisions of the LHS Gang Prevention Agreement.
- Each student must comply with the student dress provisions identified in Kennewick School District Regulation 3224. Clothing must be conducive to learning, orderliness, safety, and must not disrupt the educational environment. Clothing should be appropriate for an employment setting. Modesty, good taste, and the proper educational atmosphere are the focus. Clothing must not allow indecent exposure and may not contain vulgarities, sexual connotations, or drug, alcohol, tobacco, or gang references as specified in KSD Regulation 3224.
- It is the intent of the Kennewick School District to provide safe, productive, and positive learning environments for students. To that end, each student must comply with the rules of conduct identified in Kennewick School District Policy 3240. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the classroom, in other areas of the school campus, nor at related school activities. Violations may result in corrective action or punishment imposed by authorized employees of the District.
- In order to ensure respect and prevent harm, it is a violation of District policy for a student to be harassed, intimidated, or bullied (including cyber bullying) by others in the school community, at school sponsored events, or when such actions create a substantial disruption to the educational process. Accordingly, each student will comply with the provisions of Kennewick School District Policy 3207.
- Generally, each student will be enrolled as a full-time student, taking at least 6 periods of coursework, including those offered by Tri-Tech and/or Running Start. Part-time enrollments may be scheduled when exceptional circumstances necessitate such an arrangement.
- Regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students. Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. It is recognized that, at times, students appropriately may be absent from class. Accordingly, each student must comply with the provisions of Kennewick School District Policy 3122 and Kennewick School District Regulation 3122.
- Students who are in their 5th year (or more) of high school enrollment, as a condition of continued enrollment in educational programs accessible through Legacy High School, must sign and comply with the provisions of the LHS 5th Year Academic Performance Agreement.
- As a condition of enrollment in Legacy High School, students must sign and comply with the provisions of the LHS Behavior Expectations Summary, which encompasses the above expectations.