Online Classes
Endeavor High School
Admission Application Process
Endeavor High School has no residential-based attendance areas within the Kennewick School District. Enrollment is not determined by the neighborhood in which a student resides; the program serves the students of the entire district. Student application for enrollment in Endeavor High School may be made through direct parent/student application or by administrative referral. All applicants are evaluated for appropriateness in an alternative educational setting. Not all of the academic requirements of students with certain instructional needs can be met in this setting.
Endeavor High School Expectations
The following are guidelines that we will work with together during your classes here at Endeavor High School.
- Students are required to make weekly contact with ALL your Endeavor teachers either by text, email, or by coming into the lab.
- Office Hours are 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday – Friday.
- Check e-mail and/or the Endeavor Schoology Classroom daily for announcements.
- Study Guides are found in the material section of the Endeavor Schoology Classroom. All information for the Study Guides is in Apex. Plagiarism from other sources will result in a student receiving no credit for the assignment. Again, all information is contained within Apex. No other sources can be utilized for the Study Guides.
- Students are required to complete the Study Guides, Practices, and Journals. Students should read all material within an Apex unit before taking the Computer Scored Test (CST).
- Students will receive credit for the Study Guides in the Teacher Scored Test (TST). All information to complete a Study Guide will come from the assigned readings within Apex.
- Study Guides are the only things that can be used during Quizzes and CSTs. Study Guides must be submitted prior to taking CSTs.
- Quizzes can be taken up to two times. If the student does not pass on the second attempt, then the highest score will be given. Once a student receives a passing score, they will not be given the opportunity to take the quiz again to get a higher score.
- ALL CSTs and Final Exams need to be taken in the EHS Lab or via Zoom. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their teacher to schedule a Zoom meeting, if they cannot come into the EHS Lab.
- A Student Learning Plans (SLP) will be created by both the student and teacher together. This document will have a start and end date for all classes. Students should earn 1.5 credits (3 classes) per quarter. This is the number of classes/credits needed to stay on track to graduate. Students can work at a faster pace and earn more than 1.5 credits in a quarter.
- At end of each month, teachers will evaluate student progress. A Satisfactory grade will be giving to students who have less than 10 missing assignments or have worked their hours agreed to on their SLP. If a student is Unsatisfactory for a given month, the student will be required to work 7 of their total hours in the EHS Lab.
- Both the student and guardian will receive a weekly email update on all classes.
Looking forward to working together!
Ronny Coleman – 222-5830, email
Jamie Downing – 222-5850, email
Ryan Downing – 222-5243, email
Endeavor Courses
Apex Learning® and Apex Literacy Advantage® courses constitute the core of the Endeavor curriculum. These are accredited courses, approved by the Kennewick School District, that meet Washington standards for learning, and are supervised by highly qualified Kennewick School District teachers. View the documents below for more information.
Endeavor Lab
4624 W. 10th Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
(509) 222-5195
9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
All students are engaged learnersKSD strategic goal