Benton-Franklin Juvenile Justice Center School
Mission Statement
To provide a safe and compassionate environment that empowers students to become productive citizens.
The Benton-Franklin Juvenile Justice Center school is operated and staffed by the Kennewick School District. It is identified as an Alternative Education Program.
The BFJJC school provides educational services for students younger than 18 year of age who are incarcerated in the Benton-Franklin Juvenile Justice Detention Center. Educational services within the BFJJC school occur in classroom settings. Class sizes are limited to 12 students. Six daily classes are offered from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Depending upon a student’s needs, some classes are on a pull-out basis.
Expectations of Students in the BFJJC School
- Raise self-esteem
- Demonstrate ability to learn
- Demonstrate ability to interact positively with peers and adults
- Demonstrate ability to take responsibility for one’s actions
- Set goals for vocational success
Curriculum of the BFJJC School
- Math: Computation of basic skills, operational systems, recognition of math terms and symbols, and problem-solving
- Language Arts: Reading, writing, and problem-solving through different forms of media
- Community Living: Cultural/social skills and traditions, personal development, personal responsibility, and community involvement
- Computer Technology: PowerPoint presentations, publications, Auto-Cad, and 3-D modeling
- Social Studies: Current events, United States history, social and political awareness
- Physical Education: Stretching and various challenging exercises, jump rope, volleyball games, basketball games
- Pro-Social Skills: Anger control and social skills used to deal with life’s frustrating circumstances
- Work & Careers: Resumes, interviews, tax form preparation, and various career-interest surveys
- Study Hall: Homework, GED Preparation, basic skills, Second Shot Reading Program
- Drug and Alcohol Intervention: Confidential group and individual discussion of drug use and abuse issues
Educational assessments used to measure student academic status
- Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT 4)
- Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Standardized Tests for the Assessment of Reading (STAR)
- General Educational Development (GED) Pre-Tests
Location & Hours
5606 W. Canal Drive
Kennewick, WA 99336
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.